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Delegates had the opportunity to taste eight varieties of wine from The Overflow Estate 1895, while listening to the insights of local viticulturist, Hamish Briner
In Vino Veritas wine tasting
Our wine tasting session 'In Vino Veritas' during the recent Chilli iQ 16th Managing Partners Forum 2023 on the Gold Coast was well attended. Delegates had the opportunity to taste eight varieties of wine from local winery, The Overflow Estate 1895, while listening to the insights of viticulturist, Hamish Briner. With the opportunity to also network, and for some the first time since the pandemic, the session extended well beyond its scheduled timeframe. The delegates seemed to enjoy the wine tasting, including our gift of either Vermentino or Montepulciano, which is grown within the Gold Coast region.
Robert Wagner, Managing Partner, Harriss Wagner Consultants & Advisers