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The speakers clearly advocated what change was required and why it was needed. This was insightful information and was without doubt intellectually stimulating. However, the nugget that was absent was how to implement these transformational interventions.
The sands have shifted - now what?
Have you ever returned to your favourite holiday destination to find the surroundings have changed. What was once a quiet hamlet is now commercialised with many more tourists on the streets than you once remembered. With rising oceans and unpredictable weather patterns, what used to be a stunning, expansive, crystal white beach has been reduced to a few metres of sand against what are now eroding cliffs. As you look up to survey the erosion, you consider the plight of your beach house above, perched precariously on what remains of your receding plot. You realise your house is at risk of falling into the ocean.
Similarly, the last three years of upheaval and uncertainty, a legacy of the pandemic, has left a lasting impression on individuals and society at large. Business norms have altered, workers expectations have changed, inflation is peaking at 30-year highs, private and public debt is astronomical, and businesses are struggling to find talent due to the lowest unemployment rates seen in 50 years. With the sands having shifted, many of us are grappling with what to do having no prior experience of such seismic shifts to our lives and businesses.
Having recently attended the Legal industry’s Managing Partners Forum hosted by Chilli IQ, reflections have been on the messages conveyed by the highly regarded speakers who included an Antarctic adventurer, a global economist, an international futurist, industry leaders, authors, educators and thought leaders. The general theme of the forum centred on what law firms need to do differently as the world bookends the COVID-19 pandemic. Prominent topics included the need to adopt an agile workplace, how modern workspaces are smarter, why digital transformation in a digital economy is essential, building firm sustainability through smarter collaboration, and learning to be more resilient to overcome the new complexities and turbulent times ahead.
Listening intently to these messages a definite pattern was emerging. The messaging was rational, sound and often data driven. The speakers clearly advocated what change was required and why it was needed. This was insightful information and was without doubt intellectually stimulating. However, the nugget that was absent was how to implement these transformational interventions.
Gazing around the room at the many dozens of Managing Partners, I began to wonder how they and their Executive teams would effectively manage the increasing challenges occurring within their respective firms and at the same time drive forward these transformative changes. Would they have the right tools and expertise?
If you need help with transforming your firm to leverage from the shifting sands, get in touch.
Robert Wagner, Managing Partner, Harriss Wagner Consultants & Advisers